When it cycles through every horrible thing that it does, it starts all over again.
President Obama is such a hypocrite. He has spent almost every year of his Presidency contributing to and encouraging the stereotyping and social abuse of women, the relentless, inaccurate, stigmatizing defining of human beings according to the whims and double standards of those in power.
He has betrayed the ideals of everything that gave him the opportunity to be President. What's worse is that, being a person of color and a civil rights lawyer, he is believed by the ignorant to be adhering to the principles that he has mocked, while he has pandered to everything that is bad about human nature in the media, corporations, and everyone else from whom he could gain a material advantage.
He's not really a civil rights lawyer. He's a lawyer For Men Against Women, specializing in Rich Men Against Poor Women.
Copyright L. Kochman, April 17, 2016 @ 8:45 p.m.