The conglomerate knew that the property management or the maintenance people at my last apartment had put hidden cameras all over the apartment. The conglomerate victim-blamed me for that criminal voyeurism, the way it had victim-blamed me for the years of criminal voyeurism that had led to my being illegally videotaped IN MY OWN HOME. The conglomerate watched live video of me in that apartment at all times, publicizing it as part of the conglomerate's relentless bullying campaign against me. I never changed my clothes, took a shower, or used the toilet in that apartment without turning off the lights during the year that I lived there. My attempts to protect what I could of my privacy did nothing to stop the victim-blaming, or the conglomerate's code-jeering about my not being able to stop the conglomerate from "turning on the lights."
Then, the conglomerate did nothing to stop the landlord from sending 2 male police officers and 2 male paramedics to my apartment and having me committed to a mental hospital, several days after I had confronted the property management about whether there were hidden and illegal cameras in the apartment. After it got me committed to the mental hospital, the property management had its legal representation send me an eviction letter, which said that my asking if there were cameras in the apartment was a reason that I was being told to leave the apartment. Confronting people whom I perceived to have harassed and stalked me was also given as a reason that I was being evicted.
I had paid my rent not only on time but in advance. My apartment was clean. I wasn't loud. I was never threatening toward anyone who was part of the property management, or the maintenance, or anyone at that housing development. On the day that the 4 men went to my apartment to take me to the hospital, I was quietly in my apartment, not doing anything to anyone.
In court, every lie that the property management and their expensive lawyers could think of was told about me, and I was evicted. Then I was homeless for another two, consecutive years, the way that I was homeless for two, consecutive years before I got that apartment. 2011-2013. 2014-2016. Homeless, because of the conglomerate and what it's doing to me.
People write abusive messages to the YouTube blogs that I had when I was homeless, even though I don't publish documentation at those blogs anymore. Today, the messages say:
"Please die."
"You're a f**** idiot."
"These are so funny! Fuckin schizo"
"I'm stalking you." The person who wrote that message then wrote "I'm stalking you" three more times, before writing another message, saying "Weird ass woman, holy fuck, get your shit together."
Another person wrote several messages, saying:
"Why did you cough at me?! Are you infatuated with me?! Most homeless girls are so it is understandable. Just please try to control your sexual appetite. Thanks Lena,"
"Hi Lena. How much would you charge me for an autographed pair of panties you've worn,"
"You're adorable, Lena. Hope you're doing well, hun. I really do. Stay safe."
Most people who harass me online are never concerned about how their abusive messages will be perceived by me. I think that sometimes, some of them get concerned, after writing abusive messages, about how what they wrote will be perceived by other people, so they write additional messages to try not to look so much like the online abusers that they are. The person who wrote those three messages had previously written me a message saying that I was being watched and to beware of houseflies because houseflies have a lot of eyes.
The last two messages at my old YouTube blog, "Lena Kochman Boston," today, were also written by one person, another one:
"You're a very damaged woman."
"He doesn't have a fucking clue what she's going on about."
Usually what happens is that the online bullies start writing public messages to each other at my blog, using my blog as a public chat room where they discuss their belief that my brain is not like the brain of normal people, that I am crazy, that I should be locked up, that I need medication, that the laws and systems that are supposed to keep dangerous people off the streets and to prevent said dangerous people from harassing productive people who are "just doing their jobs" and who have no idea who I am aren't working the way they should, that I'm a feminist bitch, that I would have gotten beaten up if I were a man who's acting the way that I am and that only being a woman is protecting me from that beating, that they can't wait for someone to hit me, that they want video of someone hitting me to be put online, that I should be raped, that I should be killed.
I can't publish pictures of the messages and then erase the messages because my written blog was disabled from publishing pictures weeks ago, when I was publishing pages about rape at the University of Virginia. I have to either erase the messages without publishing pictures of them to prove that they were written, or I have to let the messages proliferate before I erase them, hoping, perhaps futilely, that the conglomerate's conscience will be activated by seeing the proof of what it is causing.
The conglomerate knows that I'm documenting reality; it chooses to support the abusers, even the abusers who call me crazy and say that nothing is happening except my delusions.
It also doesn't seem as if the conglomerate is going to do anything to try to stop the lawsuits against Rolling Stone, Sabrina Erdely, or anyone else who was part of the Rolling Stone article about rape at the University of Virginia, no matter how many rapes or murders have happened at that school or how many more of those crimes happen because of the conglomerate and the conglomerate media's chronic, fact-distorting, crime-promoting, journalistic failure.
Copyright L. Kochman, April 10, 2016 @ 10:48 a.m.