Saturday, April 22, 2017

Liars like to manipulate dialogues that only work when both sides tell the truth.

April 23, 2017

That's a picture of part of this article from April 21, 2017:

I am not unfamiliar with the type of person who pretends that the defense of his or her victim against unprovoked, deplorable aggression is actually unprovoked, deplorable aggression.  It seems to be a tactic used by liars everywhere.  

Mr. Assad's lie is outrageous for a number of reasons.  One is the damage that he caused.  Another is the proof of the damage.  Yet another is that he's casting upon the United States his own motivations for attacking innocent people, as if he has no idea that Americans don't want to endanger the lives of Americans by provoking military conflict.  He can't be unaware that President Trump is besieged by the media; the last thing that a President who is being attacked from all sides in his own country wants to do is to start a war for no reason.  

I think the t-shirt for my Execution Outfit just changed to say "Uh HUH."  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 23, 2017 @ 2:25 p.m./No code, all policies operative, all the time.  I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again.