Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tell them, if you want.

April 28, 2017

Ryan Phillippe using my phone to hit on Angelina Jolie:

Ryan Phillippe using my phone to hit on women who are only a few years older than his daughter, while he Tweets and Instagrams about how old I am and threatens other men:

Do you want to tell the world how desperately lonely I am?  Is that what everyone is using as an excuse to laugh me into homelessness?  Desperate enough to talk to you and people like you?  You think that's proof of my deserving the abuse that isolates me from everyone who isn't a raging asshole?  

I don't want to date you; I have already told you that.  However, the conglomerate's hypocrisy is always so blatant that nobody should blame me for talking about it, although someone always does.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ It's about 2:00 a.m.; a terrible hour for publishing.