Thursday, April 27, 2017

A casualty of this century

April 27, 2017

Not that the people deliberately and permanently harmed for the amusement of their torturers, in the ways known to previous centuries, don't continue to be the targets of abuse and the objects of pity.  The old ways of hurting people are not thought to be obsolete by people who like to cause pain.  

This century has new ways of torturing people.  Even people who are sorry for me can't undo the damage, the way that people who are sorry for people who are physically disfigured can't undo the damage.

Is there someone who wants to be pitied all of his or her life?  Is that what people think I want?  Is there someone who would rather be pitied for being tortured rather than to not be tortured?  If so, I'm not that person.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 27, 2017 @ 11:55 p.m.