Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I look all right for 42.

April 26, 2017

I have erased the pictures that were at this blog.  I thought the imagery might be confusing.  

It can take a while for me to take a pretty picture, although sometimes it doesn't.

I'm going to age and I'm going to die.  I suppose those things might not happen in that order, depending on what the rest of my life is like.

I hope I won't continue to be subjected to people either picking at me or being lewd about me for what I look like.  These pictures are what I looked like last night.  Who knows what I'll look like tomorrow?  WHO CARES?  It's not a problem, is it?  It's not a world crisis.  It's not even a local crisis.  If it's anyone's problem, it's my problem, and I'm trying to have a balance of humor and self-respect about it.

I am female; that's not synonymous with asking for people to talk about what I look like ad nauseum.  I'm not a model, nor am I trying to be one.  What I look like is not really anyone's business; who wants to waste his or her life thinking about what people look like to the exclusion of every other thought?

I know this continues to be really shocking for people who think that women can't live without approval for what they look like: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OF WHAT I LOOK LIKE!  WHETHER YOU THINK THAT I'M BEAUTIFUL OR UGLY, PLEASE STOP HARASSING ME!

Copyright L. Kochman, April 26, 2017 @ 11:55 p.m./edited May 2, 2017 @ 1:27 p.m., for lack of a better published time.  It's the middle of the night.  I can't spend all of my time fussing about copyright times.