Sunday, April 23, 2017

John Mayer

April 23, 2017

You are a really vicious person.  You are 40, single, and trying to seduce much younger women for a reason, which is that you are incapable of attracting nice women your own age.  Educated, discerning women are out of your league.

You will spend your life either being unhappy or making other people unhappy.  You are the epitome of someone who has used his talent as an excuse to be a wretched human being. Your industry is so corrupt, and the world establishment is so contemptuous of the parameters of civilized behavior at this time, that you can be a horrible person every day of your life and be congratulated for it, while your victims are abused.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 23, 2017 @ 12:10 p.m.