Thursday, April 27, 2017

I have a radio next to the toilet, to cover the sound when I have to urinate and defecate, use tampons and pads and also Monistat, even though I don't think that my physical pain is from a yeast infection.

April 28, 2017

The radio has a light, so I have to cover that with a towel.  

A few weeks ago, the towel fell from the radio while I was about to sit on the toilet.  I shrieked and scrambled to cover the light.

A lot of people thought that was funny.

Those are only a couple of the people who thought it was funny; it's one of the conglomerate's favorite illegally filmed videos of me from this apartment.

Live, illegal video of me has probably been being broadcast to websites all over the world since I moved to this apartment in 2016.  My desperately trying to cover the light from the radio is only one of the thousands of videos of me that Instagram has encouraged people for years to find for free.  

Contrary to what they like to think, being abused by rich and famous people isn't glamorous; it's as sordid as being abused by anyone else.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 28, 2017 @ 12:42 a.m./That's what time it was when I published the page.  Then I tried to add a paragraph to what I had written; I was kicked out of the blog a few times before I could publish it.  That has happened before.  It seems to happen when I'm publishing a page that someone who hacks my phone doesn't like.