Monday, January 30, 2017

I have questions about Syria.

January 30, 2017

The United States had a Civil War.

The people who rebelled were not murdered by the federal government or by mercenary armies after they surrendered, nor did they have to flee the country.

That was in the 1860s; has the world not advanced since then?


That's the address of an article called "Russian Draft of Syria Constitution to Help Syrians Create Own Version-Naumkin."

If there's going to be a Syrian constitution, which I think there should, then shouldn't it be contributed to or at least read by all Syrians, including those who are displaced?  The Internet makes that possible, as it also would make it possible for Syrians everywhere to vote on a constitution, choose candidates, watch and interact with campaigns, and vote.

Aren't there corporations who would give phones and temporarily free, unlimited Internet access to all Syrians, wherever they are, until they're able to return home to the government of their choice?  

At least, it's less difficult for the temporary host countries of the Syrian refugees to give them ballots than to permanently resettle them out of Syria, isn't it?

While Syrians everywhere are restructuring their government online, Russia, the United States and Europe can persuade ISIS to surrender or disband, can't we?

Copyright L. Kochman, January 30, 2017 @ 6:40 p.m.