Sunday, January 29, 2017

No, that's wrong.

January 29, 2017

That's a Tweet by Edward Snowden from today.

The branches of government work together as a system of checks and balances; to say that the executive branch has to obey the judicial branch is equivalent to saying that the judicial branch has to obey the executive branch.

Another judge in 2013 knew that his ruling about emergency birth control would encourage child molesters.  This is a quote from him:

This is the address for the article that quoted him:

I hope it's not true that "the FDA permits drugs that it has found to be unsafe for the pediatric population to be sold over-the-counter," but I think it probably is true because the pharmaceutical lobby spends so much money and is so powerful.  That other medications that are unsafe for children are being sold over-the-counter without a prescription and without age restrictions is not an excuse to sell more unsafe medications, particularly medications that affect reproductive hormones.  

Mr. Snowden's Tweet is about the Muslim order.  Everything that I have read so far seems to say that only a couple of hundred people, at the most, have gotten detained in transit to the United States.  It shouldn't take the federal government 3 months to vet them, and there's so much support for them that I don't know why local places wouldn't house them for free during that time, if they remain in contact with local authorities.  I doubt that anyone will think there's a reason to send them back to their original countries.  

This is Mr. Snowden's next Tweet, which is a reTweet of one of Senator McCain's Tweets:

I don't think that terrorists care whom they kill.  I also think that our government has been clear, since before President Trump was elected, that the United States is not against Islam, it is against terrorism.  Why would terrorists care if people who aren't terrorists get into the United States, and why would people who left their countries rather than to be terrorists abandon their hope of settling somewhere else by suddenly deciding to be terrorists?  

Also, it doesn't seem to me that Mr. Snowden has always agreed with the rulings of American courts, particularly the secret ones.  I don't think that anyone can argue that President Trump is not acting with transparency; he is acting according to what he told the United States he would do before he got elected.  When people's lives are at risk, as the past several years have demonstrated that people's lives are, to initiate a restriction and then reduce the restriction according to what seems the safest is not unreasonable.   

President Trump and his administration aren't trying to hurt anyone; they are trying to protect people.  I'll say this again; I don't want to have to read one more news article about a massacre.  It only takes one person to kill hundreds of people.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, January 29, 2017 @ 6:50 p.m.