That's the address of an article about Mrs. Trump's speech from March.
It's 8:00; one of the worst hours for publishing anything.
I don't understand why the Trumps are being attacked the way that they are, but it's not helping anyone. All it's doing is making them defensive.
The media's behavior is also very disrespectful to all of the people who voted for Mr. Trump. Obviously, they continue to be a silent majority, even after his election surprised all of the media who were declaring Mrs. Clinton the winner in July. They're too dumb to know what they're doing? Is that what the media, who was too dumb, BY A LOT, to know who would win, thinks of the American people?
It's not all right that the media thinks it has the right to choose the President.
You want to get rid of the Electoral College? Why not, if you promise not to try to reinstate it the next time that someone wins whom you don't want to win.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 4, 2017 @ 9:05 p.m.