Friday, April 7, 2017

I'm not arguing with the veterans and professional politicians who think that the Syrian Air Force should be destroyed.

April 7, 2017

I have some questions.

Isn't it expensive to destroy an Air Force?

Won't it also be expensive for a subsequent, Syrian government to replace that Air Force?

Might it not be cost-effective for Mr. Assad to resign?

Hasn't his ego killed hundreds of thousands of people, turned millions of people into refugees, strained the resources of surrounding and other countries, and provoked civil and international conflict for almost every country in the world?

"What can be done for the refugees" is an important question.

Isn't "Why hasn't Mr. Assad resigned" the main question?

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "Syrian nurse commits suicide."

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "Syrians tortured."

I could publish page after page about why he should resign; people have.

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 7, 2017 @ 3:35 p.m.