December 30, 2015
Kelly Rohrbach is hitting on Robert Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson is hitting on a lot of women at once, in the same picture. It's not atypical for conglomerate, celebrity men to hit on a lot of women at the same time, combining things about those women in their "hit-on" ploy so that it's anyone's guess which one they really want. Among the unwary, that often results in several or all of the hit-on women trying to show one man that they really like him and want to be the person to whom he turns all of his attention. If that's not showing off and womanizing, then I don't know what is. The conglomerate doesn't ever call it that, though; the conglomerate just starts placing bets on which woman will "win."
I don't want to live like that. I have resisted all of the conglomerate's attempts to force me into that kind of contest, because it's degrading, nauseating and a total waste of time.
I have had years of interacting with celebrities to have it proven to me that dating a celebrity is not what I want.
I have spent every day of the last 5 years trying to be positive and productive despite the conglomerate's murderous onslaught. I have never had an alcoholic drink or done any drugs during all of that time. I haven't resorted to desperate ways to try to make money, nor have I done any of the sleazy things that I'm sure that I could have found someone in the entertainment industry to pay me to do.
If, like Zac Efron, I had ever had an addiction problem, which I never have, the conglomerate would never stop talking about it. If, like Zac Efron, I had ever gotten into a physical altercation because I had chosen to go into an area known for drugs when there were a lot of other places where I could be, which I never have, the conglomerate would never stop talking about that, either. If, like Sami Miro, I had hit on Leonardo DiCaprio while I was dating Zac Efron, which I never have, the conglomerate would never stop calling me a golddigger, slut and fame seeker.
If, like almost all of the celebrities about whom and on whose behalf the conglomerate tortures me every day, I had chosen to have pictures taken and videos filmed of me showing me in my underwear or naked or in very suggestive poses and then I had published those pictures and video online at social media, the conglomerate would never stop calling me a dirty slut who should be discredited about everything I say. I have never done those things, either.
If I tried to hack anyone's phone, which I never have, the conglomerate would increase its accusations that I'm a dangerous and deceitful person.
The conglomerate has always had one standard for its behavior and the behavior of the people who promote and support its agenda of human rights abuses, and another, much more punitive standard for me and for everyone who opposes that agenda.
Copyright L. Kochman, December 30, 2015 @ 1:54 p.m.