Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Racism will destroy the United States.

December 29, 2015

China doesn't seem to be fazed by the brown and black colors of the people who live south of the United States.

That's the Web address for the pages of search results for a Google search from today of the term "Latin American democracies."

They are troubled democracies.  They are nascent democracies.  Our democracy is arguably in decline.

I don't think that China cares about any of that.  It sees opportunity where the United States sees what it has historically seen, which is a bunch of subhumans who can't be expected to ever be anything except drug fiends, prostitutes, manual laborers, poor, and dominated by blatant and criminal corruption.

Let's say that Donald Trump gets elected President and starts to build the wall.  This is what I think the Chinese government would be thinking:

"You build your wall, another symbol of white arrogance.  Send the message to the world that you're better than everyone else.  While you're doing that, we'll be building the economies of all the places south of that wall, and every argument that you make for democracy to the populations of those places will have to climb over it and explain again how the United States has always had one standard for white people and another for everyone else.  Twenty years from now, when the totalitarian Latin American economy that we financed is flourishing, you'd better have put some doors in that wall so you can try to get some of what we created."

Those are my thoughts about it.  I am not a foreign policy expert.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, December 29, 2015 @ 7:48 a.m.