You ought to be with men who are your age, and it's much too soon for you to decide to get married.
I won't nag you about your relationship with the much older man who is taking advantage of you. I have said what I have to say about it.
If the world were not so hateful toward gay people, there wouldn't be so many unhealthy relationships between gay people. You wouldn't be so afraid. You wouldn't be so needy. Older gay men wouldn't think that they needed to date much younger men to be able to date people who aren't too cynical and too abused by life to be happy or to make other people happy.
Whatever you and he have to say about me, I did not let my loneliness make me take advantage of you. You think I deserve ridicule; I know that I don't, not that I care what you think of me. My life is sad, but at least I know it, and I do what I'm able to do to improve it.
Copyright L. Kochman, December 27, 2015 @ 6:59 p.m.