Thursday, December 31, 2015

President Obama and Jerry Seinfeld in a car with a "1963" license plate

December 31, 2015

Sarcasm Alert:

Because the goal of everything that happened in the 1960s was for Jewish men and black men to sexually torture women together.

End of Sarcasm Alert.

I will be raped and killed because of what the conglomerate is doing to me.  I don't ever forget that.

I don't run around saying that President Obama should be raped and killed, or that anyone should be raped and killed; why is anyone doing that to me?

That's right; because more than 90% of the writers in Hollywood are men, and they have a lot of money.

President Obama is SUCH A TOKEN!  Showing my vagina to the world won't change that.

Copyright L. Kochman, December 31, 2015 @ 6:58 p.m.